
Friday, February 6, 2015

#TripleSBites: Red Hot Pinup

When thinking of all things spicy and what I could do for #TripleSBites, I thought of spiced rum and J's love of Sailor Jerry's.
A few years ago at a staff Christmas party, J and I were introduced to Jerry in a bottle, a rum neither of us were familiar with.  It was smooth and delicious when paired with icy Coca Cola.  I bought J a bottle for Christmas.  The problem is, we're light-weights when it comes to drinking.  The bottle has languished with the rest of our liquor, pulled out rarely for a Friday night drink when there's no where to go and a lazy evening ahead.
I turned to the recipe searcher's friend, Pinterest, to find something incorporating our favourite spiced rum into a cocktail for those lazy evenings.  When I saw this, I was sold.  Rum, cinnamon hearts (or red hots, for those of you south of the 49th parallel) and my favourite soda, gingerale.  What could be bad about that?
I present to you now Tattooed Martha's Red Hot Pinup:

Ingredients for 1 cocktail:
2 oz red hot infused Sailor Jerry's rum (recipe follows)
2 oz gingerale
Splash of maraschino cherry juice
Maraschino cherry with stem for garnish

1.  Make the infused rum:  In a small mason jar, pour 3/4 c rum and 1 Tbsp cinnamon heart candies.  Close jar and keep in the refrigerator, shaking occasionally, until the candies have dissolved in the rum.
2.  In a highball glass over ice, pour 2 oz rum, cherry juice, and gingerale.  Garnish and serve.
From Tattooed Martha

I tweeted about making this rum at 8 AM on a Saturday and caused a bit of a stir.  Someone thought I was pouring rum over cinnamon rolls.  While that sounds delicious too, I didn't drink this for breakfast.  It was a precursor to dinner Sunday night.
Here's the rum at the beginning.  It was bright red by the time the candy was dissolved.  What's funny is that 3/4 c of rum is enough for 3 drinks.  J and I didn't want more than one.  Who is the third drink for?  Me, apparently, over the next couple of nights.  I used 1 oz each night and found it to be enough.
Very sweet, but delicious.  There's an afterburn from the candy that's a nice little kick.  I drank half and topped up with gingerale again.  And then ate both cherries because J doesn't like them.  A spicy little cocktail for an evening in!

#TripleSBites is even more fun, thanks to our sponsors!  Check out the giveaway and the products that our bloggers used in developing their recipes:

And check out what the rest of the bloggers brought today:


  1. I love the name of this drink - definitely looks spicy and sassy too! :D

  2. This sounds like my kind of drink. I have never heard of Sailor Jerry's. I will have to keep an eye out for it.

  3. Well, I love the name itself. :) How much fun. I got into infusing booze this past holiday. Adding this to my list.

  4. YUM! A round over here, please!

  5. Now I do agree that pouring rum over cinnamon rolls for breakfast sounds awesome. BUT I think the cinnamon candy choice is better, and love the flavor idea for a cocktail! YUM, Hugs, Terra
