
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Planning: March 15 - 21, 2005

I have to go back to work on Monday.  I love being at home.  I'm sure if I was permanently I would probably become better at things like cleaning, but I'm not positive.  I love vacations where I have time to bake and make crafts and do other things that I don't have time for while working.  Like sleep.
While I'm not sure that I've had as much sleep as I could possibly use, I'm feeling pretty good at the moment.  It won't take long for that all to change.  But as I told J, it's a month until Easter, and then it's a month until Victoria Day, and then it's a month until the end of school.  More or less.  At this point, I think I can make it.
Going back to work means that we need quick and easy dinner options.  I'm not going to feel like much of anything once we get started.  I'm queued up for days around here with everything that I made this past week.  I'm super excited about that.  We ate well, and used up lots of things that were lingering in my freezer.
With a couple of days left, I am continuing to make things that I'll tell you about soon.  Here are the plans for the next week on the mountain:
Saturday:  I have a pin that I'm going to experiment with a bit.  Let's call dinner Taco Chicken Calzones as a working title.  We'll see what happens.  I'm also making Pecan-Cherry Strusel bread to put in the freezer for future consumption.
Sunday:  Chicken Fajita Salad.  The only thing we didn't eat this week that I'd planned.  Around here, that's pretty good.
Monday:  Roasted Salmon, broccoli and rice.  Salmon is on sale.
Tuesday:  Macaroni and Cheese and Sausage.
Wednesday:  Burgers, chips and pickles.
Thursday:  I'm not really sure.  I'm thinking leaving a wild-card night for the first week back is probably not a bad plan.
So, here's to going back to work.  Sigh.  And a 4 day weekend in a month.  I can make it that long.

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