
Monday, February 8, 2016

#FreshTastyValentines: Individual Tarte Tatin


It's the last day of #FreshTastyValentines. I'm shocked at how much I've posted for this event.  Really, I think it's more a case that I've actually sat down and written up my posts.  There's lots on the camera to come in the coming months.
First things first, we need to recognize all the amazing sponsors who have helped to make the event such a success!
(Have you entered the Giveaway yet?  You totally should.)
Today, the recipe includes a sponsor item, Envy Apples.

You know how those little cooking hack videos keep showing up on Facebook, demonstrating in 90 seconds how to make something totally drool-worthy and gorgeous?
J has taken to sending them to me.  I watch them and think, "I could do that."  and then I don't.  
But when I saw this video, and I knew that I was going to have some Envy Apples to play with, I thought that it would be worth a shot:

When I lived in France, I learned from my host mother to make a tarte tatin in a 9" cake pan.  This is just on a smaller scale.  My recipe also makes 2 - 1 for you, and one for your loved one.  Or 2 for you.
I present to you now Individual Tartes Tatin:

Sunday, February 7, 2016

#FreshTastyValentines: Balsamic Roasted Vegetable and Chicken Stew


Welcome back to another issue of #FreshTastyValentine!  Food to tempt your loved ones that is healthy and delicious.  Here's something delicious.  I believe my exact words to J were that we were having a "bowlful of yum" for dinner.
The beauty of Looneyspoons recipes is that they're delicious, made from staples in your pantry, and they work.  When I saw this stew, it sounded wonderful.  With Robert Mondavi as a sponsor of the blogging event, it just made sense to make something with wine.  Bowlful of yum indeed.
I present to you now from the Looneyspoons Collection, Balsamic Roasted Vegetable and Chicken Stew:

Saturday, February 6, 2016

#FreshTastyValentines: Cinnamon Bun Oatmeal


#FreshTastyValentines has been way fun, and I have recipes all weekend to get everything in!  Here's a delicious idea for a quick breakfast that uses a heart-healthy product that I'd never tried before.
Hulled Hemp Seeds are packed with protein and omega -3 and -6 fatty acids.  When I opened my bag from Bob's Red Mill I thought they looked a lot like ground nuts.  The little bit I tried tasted a lot like nuts.  Yum.
I wasn't sure what I was going to do with a bag of hemp seeds until I got my Janet and Greta newsletter for January.  The recipe included either chia seeds, ground flax seed or hemp seeds.  Decision made.  Then I doubled the recipe so J could have a bowl.
On a cold damp Sunday morning, this was welcome and delicious.
I present to you now from Janet and Greta Cinnamon Bun Oatmeal:

Friday, February 5, 2016

#FreshTastyValentines: Pistachio-Crusted Tilapia


I know I've expressed before my love of the Podleski sisters and their cookbook series, Looneyspoons.  J's and my commitment to healthier eating means that I've spent more time leafing through the pages of my copies, looking for new things to try.
With my promise, I spend lots of time looking for ways to cook fish.  I can't make blackened tilapia every week!  This crust for fish was great on tilapia, but I'd like to try it on salmon too.  Versatility.  That's what we're all about around here.
I present to you now from the Looneyspoons Collection, Pistachio-Crusted Tilapia:

Thursday, February 4, 2016

#FreshTastyValentines: UnCommon Goods


While I don't have a recipe today, I've had so much fun going through this sponsor's website.  Today, we talk about barware.  Specifically, my life and relationships through glasses.  You'd think the people I know and I were lushes or something:

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

#FreshTastyValentines: Tex-Mex Stuffed Butternut Squash


One of the promises that I made to J with his new healthy eating outlook was that I would cook 1 meatless dinner a week.  This was probably one of my less popular promises, seeing as my husband is big on meat.  Big.  As in if I cooked it 3 times a day he'd be all good.
But I went looking for some dishes that contained more beans and less animal protein on my favourite source for such things - Pinterest.  I even created a new board so that I could find things more easily.  This is one of the first things I pinned, knowing full well how much my husband wouldn't be in favour.
While J likes way more vegetables than I do, he's not a fan of squash - except as pumpkin in baked good form.  I like it, but never cook it as a result.  However, I had high hopes for this as really the squash was a vehicle for the Tex-Mex flavours that J is a fan of.  I was wrong.  It's too bad, really; seeing as this is delicious.  I made the stuffing for 4 (I didn't want to use half a can of black beans and have half a can leftover) and took it to work for lunch for a few days afterwards.  It's filling, and so, so good.
I scraped my squash half clean.  J?  Well, he ate the filling and said it was good.  I personally would recommend both.  I present to you now from Life Tastes Good, Tex-Mex Stuffed Butternut Squash:

Monday, February 1, 2016

#FreshTastyValentines: Tomato Tart

Welcome to #FreshTastyValentines, a week's worth of recipes that are healthier for tempting those you love!  I'm thrilled to have joined with the other bloggers and our sponsors for a fun event!

My first recipe is from Rachael's blog, Pizza Rossa, who happens to be my Secret Recipe Club partner this month.  I couldn't just feature one of the recipes from her lovely blog - I featured a second that was a perfect entree for in which we didn't miss the meat.
I have made a similar tart to this in my preblogging days, but it used sliced tomatoes and minced garlic.  I was intrigued by the idea of roasting the tomatoes and garlic first.  Plus with basil and lots of cheese, how could this possibly be bad?
I present to you now from Pizza Rossa, Roasted Tomato Tart:

Secret Recipe Club: Strawberry Maple Baked Oatmeal

It's been a while, but after taking a month off, we're back with a new edition of the Secret Recipe Club!  It's now been 2 years of my belonging to the club in which you're paired up with another blogger and you make something (in secret) from that blog.  Then we all reveal on the same Monday and see what we all made.  Fun, right?  I certainly think so.
This month, I was matched with Rachael from the lovely blog Pizza Rossa.  Rachael is an Australian in Switzerland who has been a vegetarian since she was 18.  J and I are...not...vegetarian.  But J's decision to make healthier choices when eating and my promise to cook a meatless entree every week meant that a vegetarian blog would be a boon to trying something new.
I perused a bunch of recipes, trying very hard to stay away from my old standby on a vegetarian blog, the baking.  Rachael has a bunch of lovely looking baked goods including Cinnamon Challah (or Raspberry Swirl!  So pretty!) and Lemon Macrons with Lemon-Lime Filling (but I'm still intimidated about making macrons.  Rachael has PB&J macrons too.  I totally want to try those as well!!).  I also debated entrees, and found one.  I'm actually sharing it later today as my first recipe post for #FreshTastyValentines!  But then I found this for breakfast, and I wanted to make it too.  Just as well I need 2 recipes for today.
I have made baked oatmeal a couple of times.  I'm always happy with the results and the fact that I then have breakfast for a week that you'd think I'd make it more.  When the weather is like it's been here for the past while - cold, damp, and with a wind that cuts through you, this is a welcome breakfast treat!
I present to you now from Pizza Rossa, Strawberry Maple Baked Oatmeal: